Allied Warships


King George V class

5 ships

The battleship HMS King George V (41) of the Royal Navy.

Technical information

Displacement36727 BRT 
Length745 feet 
Complement1442 men 
ArmamentAs designed;
10 14" guns (2x4, 1x2)
16 5.25" DP guns (8x2)
32 2pdr AA (4x8)
2 aircraft
1 catapult 
Max speed28 knots
EnginesGeared turbines, 4 shafts 
Power110000 SHP 
Notes on classIn all ships the Anti-aircraft armament was increased during the war. 

All ships of the King George V class

Royal Navy Royal Navy (more on Royal Navy)

HMS Anson (79)
HMS Duke of York (17)
HMS Howe (32)
HMS King George V (41)
HMS Prince of Wales (53) Lost on 10 Dec 1941

5 Battleships of the King George V class. 1 of them was lost.

Full wartime service history on this vessel.

See all Battleship classes.

King George V Class Battleships

Tarrant, V. E.

Books dealing with this subject include:

King George V Class Battleships, Tarrant, V. E., 2000

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