Naval Warfare Books

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Mar cruel

By Monsarrat, Nicholas
(The cruel sea)
2000, Ediciones Península SA, Barcelona
ISBN 8483072556
Hardcover, 452 pages
The book is a fiction
book is in Spanish language

Descripton: The story is about convoy escorts, first aboard the corvette H.M.S. Compass Rose, and later on the frigate H.M.S. Saltash. The story follows the men of both ships from 1939 to the end of the war. First published 1952. A movie of the same name was based on this book.

"Esta es la historia, la larga y verdadera historia, de un oceano, dos barcos, y unos 150 hombres". Acciones de escolta de una corbeta británica de la clase Flower durante la SGM.

- This book has been translated from another language.