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Arktyka odpiera atak

By Wilczek, Wojciech
(The Arctic Repels the Attack)
1974, Wydawnictwo MON Warszawa
Paperback, 117 pages
book is in Polish language

Descripton: Episode from the war in Arctic – in August of 1942 German cruiser Admiral Scheer marauding for the merchant convoys in the Arctic was attacked (!) by Soviet Naval ice-breaker Alexandr Sibiriakov. The little ship with two 3-in. and two 45 mm guns was of course blown out of the water by the pocket battleship, but the gun action warned the nearby convoy.

Epizod z wojny w Arktyce – w sierpniu 1942 r. radziecki lodolamacz floty Aleksandr Sibiriakow zaatakowal (!) niemiecki kieszonkowy pancernik Admiral Scheer, ostrzegajac w ten sposob pobliski konwoj.