Naval Warfare Books

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First Sailing of the S.S. Smith Thompson

Serving in the U.S. Merchant Marine in World War II

By Miller, Steve
2011, Merriam Press
ISBN 1468106422
Softcover, 242pp, 22 photos/charts

Descripton: This the story of Lt(jg) Al Miller, USMS, a Communications Officer, and his first voyage of WW II aboard the brand new Liberty ship, S.S.Smith Thompson. Via a typed, secret journal kept by Lt(jg) Miller, we see typical life aboard a WW II merchantman. Miller held an FCC 1st class radio license for 20+ years when the U.S. entered the war; having learned the skill via U.S.Navy service at age 17, 1916-20. This is a special glimpse by a mature family man who chronicled things likely to have gone unnoticed by a man 20 years younger.

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