U-boat Emblems

Flotilla emblems

All but 8 of the U-boat flotillas displayed an emblem. Many of the boats attached to those flotillas then used that same emblem. The most widely used Flotilla emblems seem to have been those of the 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th flotillas.

Many of the most famous emblems are seen here, most notably the Snorting Bull (7th) and the Laughing Sawfish (9th).

You can click on the emblems below to get a page showing the larger version and its history.

1st Flotilla 2nd Flotilla 3rd Flotilla
Unit had no Emblem
4th Flotilla 5th Flotilla 6th Flotilla
7th Flotilla 8th Flotilla 9th Flotilla
10th Flotilla 11th Flotilla 12th Flotilla
Unit had no Emblem
13th Flotilla 14th Flotilla 18th Flotilla
Unit had no Emblem
19th Flotilla 20th Flotilla 21st Flotilla
Unit had no Emblem
22nd Flotilla 23rd Flotilla 24th Flotilla
Unit had no Emblem
25th Flotilla 26th Flotilla 27th Flotilla
Unit had no Emblem
Unit had no Emblem
29th Flotilla 30th Flotilla 31st Flotilla

Unit had no Emblem

32nd Flotilla    

All emblems here © Guðmundur Helgason 1998-2015