WWI Officer Crews

Crew 4/99

The following men were from crew 4/99, click on any of the names for a full profile page on that commander.

 KrvKpt. Albert GayerU
 KrvKpt. Gernot GoettingU 153
 Kptlt. Ernst GraeffU 36
  KrvKpt. Hellmuth JürstU 43
  KrvKpt. Friedrich LützowU
 KrvKpt. Paul PastuszykU 153
 KrvKpt. Ortwin RaveU 157
  KrvKpt. Gehrard von ZitzewitzU 152
8 men from Crew 4/99 located.

 We have a photo of the commander.
 We have personal info for the commander.

Crews main page

WWI U-boat Commanders