U-boat Emblems

U-boats with emblems

Emblem entry for U-24



This emblem was the alternate emblem for the 24th Flotilla. It appeared on a few U-boats.

Keywords: V, vee


Black cat with Raised Back

- We have no description for this emblem -

Keywords: cat


Stalin on a Torpedo

- We have no description for this emblem -

Keywords: Stalin, torpedo


White Whale

- We have no description for this emblem -

Keywords: whale


2 Fishes

- We have no description for this emblem -

Keywords: fish

We have 5 emblems listed for this U-boat in our files. Check out the detailed profile page on this boat.

Please note that we've not illustrated all the emblems we know of. We are working on that as we speak.

U-boats with emblems
This page here shows all U-boats that we have already installed some emblems for in our databases.

U-boats without emblems
On this page here you can see a list of all the U-boats we know that did not have an emblem.

U-boat Emblems