French language books
| by Peillard, Léonce (The Laconia Affair, September 12, 1942) (1988, Robert Laffont, Paris) ISBN 2221034392 268 pages Description: This book gives a general account of the Laconia Affair. This was a very unusual case in which 3 German U-boats were attacked by a US B-24 Liberator b ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 | by Braeuer, Luc (U-boat base St.-Nazaire) (2001, Luc Braeuer) ISBN 2951378726 112 pages, 220 photos and maps Description: A reader calls this the best book concerning the U-boat base at St.-Nazaire (home to the 6th and 7th flotillas). Visit our page for this title |
 | by Malbosc, Guy (The battle of the Atlantic (1939-1945)) La victoire logistique, clé du succès des armes (1995, Economica, Paris) ISBN 2717829113 418 pages, maps Description: Series: Collection Campagnes & Stratégies. Grandes batailles, 17. Visit our page for this title |
| by Peillard, Léonce (The battle of the Atlantic (1939-1945)) (1988, Robert Laffont, Paris) ISBN 2221053443 573 pages, maps Description: A well-researched general account. Preface by Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz. Original 1974 version appeared in two volumes: La Kriegsmarine à son apogà ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 | by Costello, John and Hughes, Terry (The Battle of the Atlantic) (1980, Albin Michel, Paris) ISBN 2226009205 Description: Highly readable account of the war in the Atlantic 1939-1945, including actions by U-boats and engagements by surface vessels. Loads of excellent pict ... - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
 | by Masson, Philippe (The battle of the Atlantic) (1997, Tallandier, Paris) ISBN 223502162X 212 pages, many photographs and drawings Description: Provides an overview of this battle. Visit our page for this title |
| by Antier, Jean Jaques (The battle of Malta, 1940-1943) (1983, Presses de la Cité, Paris) ISBN 2258011930 280 pages, photos Visit our page for this title |
| by Antier, Jean Jacques (The battle of the Murmansk convoys) (1981, Presses de la Cité, Paris) ISBN 2258008581 271 pages Description: Series: Troupes de choc. Visit our page for this title |
| by Antier, Jean Jacques (The battle of the Philippines: Leyte, 1944) Leyte, 1944 (1985, Presses de la Cité, Paris) ISBN 2258016266 287 pages, photos Visit our page for this title |
| by Sarty, Roger Flynn (Canada and the Battle of the Atlantic) (1998, Art Global, Montreal) ISBN 2920718649 167 pages - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
| by Herlin, Hans (The damned of the Atlantic) (1991, France-Empire, Paris) ISBN 2704802815 Description: The author describes the fate of Günther Prien of U-47, Peter Zschech of U-505, Werner Henke of U-515, Wolfgang Lüth, and Heinz Eck of U-852. Well-w ... - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
 | by Padfield, Peter (Dönitz and the U-boat war) (1986, Pygmalion Gerard Watelet, Paris) ISBN 2857042094 Description: This is a well-researched but very biased book. To quote Timothy Mulligan, it "provides much useful information but remains a prosecution brief." - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
 | by Harris, Robert (Enigma) (1997, Pocket, Paris) ISBN 2266075209 441 pages Description: A really good novel dealing with the Enigma code-breaking effort of the Allies at Bletchley Park. - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
| by Bourguet, Louis and Grand, Josyane (And the lair became the village: The U-boat base of Lorient Keroman (1940-1997)) La base de sous-marins de Lorient Keroman (1940-1997) (1997, Edition du Quantième) ISBN 2951194811 190 pages, 150 photos Visit our page for this title |
| by Antier, Jean Jacques (The fleet is scuttled, Toulon 1942) (1992, Presses de la Cité, Paris) ISBN 2258032695 368 pages, map Visit our page for this title |
| by Frederic Patard (Lost around the Cotentin coast) (2003, isoete) ISBN 2913920306 116 p Description: Story of the lost of many ships around Cherbourg breakwaters The french submarines Prométée and Vendémiaire the attack of the Léopoldville by the ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Chazette, Alain, Pallud, Jean-Paul, and Reberac, Fabien (Kriegsmarine: North Sea, English Channel, Atlantic, 1940-1945) Mer du Nord, Manche, Atlantique, 1940-1945 (1997, Editions Heimdal) ISBN 2840481014 480 pages, 1200 photos Description: Approximately 500 of the photos are of U-boats and U-boat bases. Series: Album historique. Visit our page for this title |
| by Michel BERTRAND (FREE FRENCH DESTROYERS) (1984, Presses de la Cité) ISBN 2-258 Description: Great en little history about the Free French Navy. Visit our page for this title |
| by Jean-Louis MAURETTE (Silence Guards) Epaves de sous-marins à travers le Monde (Submarine wrecks around the World) (2006, Keltia Graphic) ISBN 2353130038 160 pages, more than 200 photo + paints, hardcover, 22x28.5cm. Description: Jean-Louis MAURETTE, plongeur photographe mondialement connu et co-auteur du livre "Les Messagères De l'Histoire", nous fait à nouveau partager sa p ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Jean-Louis MAURETTE (Silence Guards) Epaves de sous-marins à travers le Monde (Submarine wrecks around the World) (2006, Keltia Graphic) ISBN 2-35313-003-8 160 pages, more than 200 photo + paints, hardcover, 22x28.5cm. Description: Jean-Louis MAURETTE, plongeur photographe mondialement connu et co-auteur du livre "Les Messagères De l'Histoire", nous fait à nouveau partager sa p ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Le Berd, Jean (Lorient during the Occupation) (1986, Ouest-France, Rennes) ISBN 2737300126 157 pages Description: Describes Lorient's role as a U-boat base in World War II. Visit our page for this title |
 | by Alaluquétas, Jacques (Grey wolf in the Atlantic: U-68 in combat) l'U-68 au combat (1999, Jacques Grancher, Paris) ISBN 2733906216 260 pages Visit our page for this title |
 | by Saibène/Brouard/Mercier (The French Merchant Navy 1939/1940, Volume 1) Tome 1 (1996, Marines Editions) ISBN 2909675262 Hardcover, 176 pages, 200photos Description: The best illustrated book concerning the French Merchant Navy. Visit our page for this title |
 | by Monsarrat, Nicholas (The cruel sea) (1999, Phébus (Phebus)) ISBN 285940578X 499 pages Description: The story is about convoy escorts, first aboard the corvette H.M.S. Compass Rose, and later on the frigate H.M.S. Saltash. The story follows the men o ... - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
| by Dugas, Jean-Guy (Operation Kiebitz) (1992, Éditions Franc-Jeu, 461 boul Saint-Pierre Ouest, R.R. 2 Site 1 Bte 25, Caraquet, NB, Canada E0B 1K0, Tel.: +1 (506) 727-1992) ISBN 2921517000 85 pages Description: Covers the story of an escape attempt masterminded by the late Kplt. Otto Kretschmer (U-99), while in captivity at the POW camp Bowmanville, Ontario, ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Buffetaut, Yves (The French ports - The Atlantic ports 1939-1945) (1995, Marines Editions) ISBN 2909675149 155 pages Description: The history of the five famous U-boat bases of the Atlantic coast: Brest, Lorient, Saint-Nazaire, La Pallice, Bordeaux; the arrival of the Kriegsmari ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Antier, Jean Jacques (The submariners) (1994, Editions Ouest-France, Rennes) ISBN 2737315042 275 pages Description: New and expanded edition of book originally published in 1977. History of the submarine war and the experiences of some well-known submariners since ... Visit our page for this title |
| by de Gmeline, Patrick (German submarines in combat) (1997, Presses de la Cité, Paris) ISBN 2258044103 567 pages, 85 pictures (ECPA) Description: This may not be a very good book. Visit our page for this title |
| by Pasquelot, Maurice (The submarines of Free France, 1939-1945) (1981, Presses de la Cité, Paris) ISBN 2258009065 285 pages Description: This book covers the story of the five French submarines (including the largest sub in the world at that time, Le Surcouf) that joined the fight on th ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Bernard, Yves (Too far from Berlin: German prisoners of war in Canada, 1939-1946) Des prisonniers allemands au Canada (1939-1946) (1995, Éditions du Septentrion, 1300, avenue Maguire, Sillery, Québec, G1T 1Z3, Canada) ISBN 2894480210 357 pages Visit our page for this title |
| by Luc Braeuer (U-Boote ! Saint-Nazaire) (2006, Luc Braeuer) ISBN 2952565104 129 pages, huge amount of pictures Description: from several hundreds of pictures taken at St Nazaire and la Baule,you will discover the evolution of the U-Boot from 1940 to 1945 Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Dalliès-Labourdette, Jean-Philippe (U-boats 1935-1945: The history of the submarines of the Kriegsmarine) L'histoire des sous-marins de la Kriegsmarine (1996, Histoire & Collections) ISBN 2908182424 Hardcover, 144 pages, with 16 pages in colour, format 24 x 32 Description: This book contains many excellently reproduced photographs, many of which were new to me, including some good shots of U-boat pens. There are also som ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
| by ROY Jules (Attack on Mers el-Kebir, July 3rd 1940) Mers el-Kebir 3 juillet 1940 (1983, PLON) ISBN 2259010288 Description: The tragic week for the French Navy. Visit our page for this title |