Errata Pages

The Golden Horseshoe

by Robertson, Terence
2000, Tempus Publishing Ltd.
ISBN 0752420194
Paperback, 192 pages, 23 b&w photographs
Covers Kretschmer's career in the U-boat arm and as a prisoner of war in England and Canada. Later re-issued under the title Night Raider of the Atlantic. First published 1955.

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Errata list

Please note: This listing may, or may not be complete.
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9"Captain Otto Kretschmer, the German Navy´s greatest ´ace, who caused more destruction on the High Seas than any other commander of any nation in any war."Kapitänleutnant Lothar von Arnauld de la Perieré, commander of of U-35 and U-139 in the First World War, sank more ships and more tonnage than Kretschmer.
14"...Germany´s leading U-boat ´ace' of the First World War, Captain Karl Dönitz, from the cruiser Emden..."The leading ´ace´of course was Kapitänleutnant Lothar von Arnauld de la Perieré. Dönitz himself sank two ships.
17"...Kretschmer and the First Lieutenant, U. Schnee..."Should be A. Schnee instead of U. Adalbert Schnee.
19On Adalbert Schnee: "He became a wartime ´ace´ as commander of U-66 and U-200 with 198,000 tons to his credit."Schnee never served aboard either of those boats, and his wartime credit is 98,565 tons sunk along with 28,820 tons damaged.
33"On February 12th, 1940, U-23 sailed from Kiel on her eight wartime trip."U-23 sailed from Wilhelmshaven on the 9th.

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