Comments from readers

These comments are but a tiny sample of the mail we get every day. If you'd like to contribute to this page then just send us a line and we'll add it. The comments here below are chosen at random from our database containing 229 such items. This page reloads in 90 seconds.

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8 Oct 1999
I have been coming to your site for some time now, visiting it several times a week. I first got an interest in U-boats while playing Aces of the Deep. This site is by far the best site on the Net, no matter what the subject is. It has so much information and the pictures are great. I really don't have the words to describe your site, it is just plain awesome. You really have put a lot of hard work into it and it shows. I don't think I will ever see all of your site no matter how many times I visit, but I will sure try. Keep up the good work, it's greatly appreciated.
  Kenny Davis

13 Dec 1999
I am a WWII buff. I have found no other site on any WWII subject that goes so in-depth as I visit this site at least three times a week and I still haven't seen it all! I've been trying to come up with some feedback to give you but it's tuff, you have everything! I guess the more actual war era photo's the better, probably difficult to com up with !

Great work and thanks for sharing!
  Bill Hopkins

22 Oct 2000
I have been coming to this site at least once a week ever since I first found it on the net, about one year ago. It is one of my top 5 favorite sites.

Meiriháttar síða, ég vildi óska að ég hefði meiri tíma til að skoða mig um á henni. Ég var búin að koma á þessa síðu í meira en tvo mánuði þegar ég sá að það var Íslendingur sem gerir hana út. Meiriháttar. Haltu þessu áfram.
  Magnús Einar Magnússon

2 Feb 1998
This is one of the best sites I have ever seen.
  Fredrik Odenman

12 Dec 1999
I have never seen a site so well done and kept with so much love, the work you have done is marvelous, is a part of history not to many people really know. What you have done here is very special and I hope the entire world could see your work.

I really enjoy visiting this site to read as much as I can, you have a museum to which people can come and "learn" about history I really hope future generations will benefit from your work.
  Juan Courville

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This is, of course, just a fraction of supportive letters has received.

If you'd like to add your comments to this page then just send me a note.