Comments from readers

These comments are but a tiny sample of the mail we get every day. If you'd like to contribute to this page then just send us a line and we'll add it. The comments here below are chosen at random from our database containing 229 such items. This page reloads in 90 seconds.

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1 Feb 1999
Thank you for a fascinating Web Site. I can spend hours on your web site and have finally made it my home page. Keep up the good work.
  Steve Blair

9 Aug 2000
Your site is magnificent, and it has answered a question I have had for over 30 yrs. In the spring of 1970, my ship the USS CHEWAUCAN (AOG-50) frequently took on fuel in Cartagena, Spain. We would berth forward of what I swore was an old U-boat. It appeared deserted and was fenced off from wandering amateur historians like myself. However, I have always wondered about the U-boat, and now thanks to your site, I am almost certain it was the U-573 (however, it did seem to be a little smaller than a VIIC boat -- but what do I know?). Thanks again for solving this old mystery.
  Ed Perry

22 Feb 2000
I think this ought to be a model for all military equipment and weapons web sites. I wish somebody would do something as well organized for each air force of W W 2. There is a wealth of information out there but nobody has done any better organizing it and few have come close.
  Tom Drennan

7 Apr 1999
As a long time student of history specifically WWII and in particular the U-boat War---I really appreciate the effort taken here to be accurate. I can spend hours on you Web site... Keep up the great work..
  Scott Moser

10 Nov 2000
I have just recently this year viewed the movie das boot the directors cut. I found it to be a most excellent movie, althought i saw it a little late, since its release. I developed a interest in u boats and have found your site to be the best on the boats there crews and such. Outstanding site.
  Mike Clancy

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This is, of course, just a fraction of supportive letters has received.

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