Events on this day

27 July

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This is a run-down from several databases on our site. It's meant to give a clear picture of events on this date, all year round.

U-boat Shipyard report

Ordered (0) Laid down (3) Launched (5) Commissioned (1)
No U-boat orders on this date1942: U-427
1943: U-883
1944: U-2336
1940: U-73, U-141, U-142
1944: U-2505, U-3503
1943: U-719
These are commissioned boats. For more see our Shipyard pages.

Allied Ships hit on this date

 U-boatCommanderName of shipTonsCountryConvoy
 U-34RollmannSambre 5,260   brOB-188
 U-34RollmannThiara 10,364   brOB-188
 U-126BauerErato 1,335   brOG-69
 U-126BauerInga I 1,304   nwOG-69
 U-203MützelburgHawkinge 2,475   brOG-69
 U-79KaufmannKellwyn 1,459   brOG-69
 U-130KalsElmwood 7,167   br
 U-582SchulteStella Lykes 6,801   am
 U-752SchroeterLeikanger 4,003   nwFN-20
 U-255HarmsAkademik Shokalskij 411   sj
* Unless otherwise noted the ships listed here were sunk. (d) = damaged

See all Allied ships hit by U-boats during WWII.

Attacks on this day


U-68. Atlantic west of Corunna, Spain: U-68 was kept down and held off a convoy by 24 depth charges from Flower Class corvette HMS Rhododendron. Another U-boat got the same treatment from HMS Sunflower and Pimpernel at roughly the same time. (Blair, vol 1, page 328)


U-106. 15.30 hrs, Bay of Biscay, outbound: strafing and bombing by a Wellington (311 Sqn RAF/A) killed the I WO, Oberleutnant zur See Günter Wißmann and wounded the commander. The boat had only left Lorient two days earlier and was forced to return to base by severe damage.


U-865. U-865 was returning to Trondheim due to difficulties with its snorkel when it was slightly damaged by six depth charges from a British Liberator aircraft (86 Sqn RAF/R, pilot G.G. Gates) about 80 nautical miles north-northwest of Trondheim at 19.58 hours. The Germans put up a powerful flak barrage, hitting engines #1 and #2 during the approach and the sudden loss of power on the port side caused the depth charges to miss and explode off the starboard bow. The Liberator circled the U-boat twice and then left with two smoking engines, but managed to reach base safely. (KTB U-865 & ADM 199/1786)

U-boats lost

No U-boats were lost on this date, 27 July.

- For more information on U-boat losses check out our Fates section.

U-boat Men Lost or Wounded

There were no men lost from U-boats on this date, 27 July.

- For more information on Men lost from U-boats check out this page.

Personnel Information

The following men were born on this day:
Emil Klusmeier (1912), Dietrich von der Ropp (1909), Wilhelm Schulze (1909), Rolf Struckmeier (1916).

The following men died on this day:
Heinrich Liebe (1997), Rolf-Werner Wentz (2012).

See the entire U-boat commander listing showing all U-boat commanders.
We might include more officers (Allied and Axis) at a later date.

U-boat departures and arrivals on 27 July

This section shows the U-boat departures and arrivals from bases on this day of the year. Current country names shown with harbour names. Boats entering port display days at sea during that patrol.


From Lorient, France: U-52


From Helsingör: U-563

U-boats entering base:
To Brest, France: U-564 (41 days)


From Bergen, Norway: U-591
From Lorient, France: U-125
From Salamis, Greece: U-372 (lost 9 days later)

U-boats entering base:
To Wilhelmshaven, Germany: U-376 (5 days)


From Bordeaux, France: U-461 (lost 4 days later), U-462 (lost 4 days later), U-504 (lost 4 days later)
From Brest, France: U-383 (lost 6 days later)
From La Pallice: U-231
From Lorient, France: U-129, U-525 (lost 16 days later)
From Toulon, France: U-593

U-boats entering base:
To La Pallice U-706 (2 days)
To Narvik, Norway: U-625 (16 days), U-636 (4 days)
To Skjomenfjord U-354 (3 days)
To St. Nazaire, France: U-448 (3 days)
To Tromsö, Norway: U-601 (2 days)


From Arnöy: U-1000
From Esplanade: U-479
From Hammerfest, Norway: U-394 (lost 38 days later)
From Haugsund: U-958
From Trondheim, Norway: U-865

U-boats entering base:
To Nord Altaskär U-370 (2 days)
To Trondheim, Norway: U-387 (3 days)

U-boats at sea on 27 July

Boats entering port on this day are not counted, but boats departing for patrol are. (+) indicates the boat was lost during this patrol.


U-34, U-52, U-56, U-57, U-59, U-62, U-99, UA.
8 boats at sea.


U-46, U-66, U-68, U-74, U-79, U-81, U-83, U-93, U-94, U-95, U-97, U-109, U-123, U-124, U-125, U-126, U-141, U-142, U-145, U-146, U-203, U-204, U-205, U-331, U-371, U-372, U-401 (+), U-431, U-559, U-561, U-562, U-565, U-652, UA.
34 boats at sea.


U-43, U-66, U-67, U-71, U-77, U-84, U-86, U-89, U-97, U-98, U-106, U-108, U-109, U-116, U-125, U-129, U-130, U-132, U-134, U-154, U-155, U-160, U-161, U-162 (+), U-163, U-164, U-166 (+), U-171 (+), U-173, U-176, U-201, U-203, U-209, U-210 (+), U-213 (+), U-217, U-254, U-332, U-355, U-372 (+), U-375, U-379 (+), U-402, U-403, U-405, U-435, U-437, U-454, U-458, U-460, U-461, U-462, U-463, U-505, U-507, U-508, U-509, U-510, U-511, U-552, U-553, U-564, U-565, U-571, U-572, U-575, U-582, U-586, U-588 (+), U-589, U-591, U-592, U-593, U-595, U-597, U-598, U-600, U-601, U-607, U-609, U-654 (+), U-657, U-658, U-660, U-704, U-752, U-754 (+).
87 boats at sea.


U-19, U-20, U-24, U-43 (+), U-66, U-84 (+), U-86, U-117 (+), U-129, U-134 (+), U-155, U-159 (+), U-168, U-172, U-177, U-178, U-181, U-183, U-185 (+), U-188, U-190, U-196, U-197 (+), U-198, U-199 (+), U-212, U-230, U-255, U-257, U-262, U-269, U-277, U-306, U-307, U-333, U-340, U-355, U-358, U-371, U-373, U-382, U-383 (+), U-387, U-403 (+), U-404 (+), U-406, U-407, U-415, U-445, U-454 (+), U-455, U-461 (+), U-462 (+), U-466, U-468 (+), U-489 (+), U-504 (+), U-508, U-510, U-511, U-516, U-525 (+), U-532, U-533 (+), U-566, U-571, U-572 (+), U-586, U-591 (+), U-593, U-600, U-604 (+), U-614 (+), U-615 (+), U-618, U-629, U-634 (+), U-639, U-647 (+), U-648, U-653, U-664 (+), U-703, U-711, U-713, U-732, U-757, U-760.
88 boats at sea.


U-9, U-18, U-24, U-181, U-196, U-198 (+), U-242, U-247, U-250 (+), U-275, U-300, U-309, U-333 (+), U-348, U-354, U-394 (+), U-425, U-475, U-479, U-481, U-516, U-518, U-530, U-534, U-537, U-539, U-546, U-547, U-618, U-621, U-667 (+), U-668, U-671 (+), U-679, U-736 (+), U-766, U-802, U-804, U-855 (+), U-857, U-858, U-859 (+), U-861, U-862, U-863 (+), U-921, U-957, U-984 (+), U-995, U-1062 (+), U-1229 (+).
51 boats at sea.


1 boats at sea.

General Events on 27 July

We have no events listed in the calendar for this date, 27 July.


Add more events! - If you know of an interesting event that happened on this day that's missing, or an upcoming event that you'd like to share, please contact us. We already have 782 entries that will appear in due course, so your suggestion may not appear immediately, but we are continuously updating the database.

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