Heinrich Brodda
Successes 3 ships sunk, total tonnage 1,136 GRT 1 ship a total loss, total tonnage 220 GRT |
Born | 9 May 1903 | | Altenessen, Essen |
Died | 7 May 1943 | (39) | Newfoundland |
 If you can help with photo or any information on this Officer please contact us at gummi@uboat.net.
1 Jan 1937 | | Leutnant zur See | 1 Jun 1938 | | Oberleutnant zur See | 1 Jan 1940 | | Kapitänleutnant |
U-boat Commands
U-boat | From | To | |
U-209 | 11 Oct 1941 | 7 May 1943 (+) | 7 patrols (157 days) |
Brodda is often incorrectly listed as a member of Crew 21; he most certainly was not an officer or officer candidate in the 1920s though he may well have served as an enlisted sailor in the Reichsmarine during that time period.
Patrol info for Heinrich Brodda
| U-boat | Departure |
Arrival | | | |
1. |
U-209 |
11 Mar 1942 | Kiel |
12 Mar 1942 | Helgoland |
| 2 days | |
2. |
U-209 |
15 Mar 1942 | Helgoland |
1 Apr 1942 | Kirkenes |
Patrol 1, | 18 days | |
3. |
U-209 |
7 Apr 1942 | Kirkenes |
20 Apr 1942 | Bergen |
Patrol 2, | 14 days | |
4. |
U-209 |
16 May 1942 | Bergen |
2 Jun 1942 | Narvik |
Patrol 3, | 18 days | |
5. |
U-209 |
4 Jun 1942 | Narvik |
7 Jun 1942 | Bergen |
| 4 days | |
6. |
U-209 |
17 Jul 1942 | Bergen |
28 Jul 1942 | Kirkenes |
Patrol 4, | 12 days | |
7. |
U-209 |
5 Aug 1942 | Kirkenes |
1 Sep 1942 | Skjomenfjord |
Patrol 5, | 28 days | |
8. |
U-209 |
3 Sep 1942 | Skjomenfjord |
6 Sep 1942 | Bergen |
| 4 days | |
9. |
U-209 |
12 Oct 1942 | Bergen |
15 Oct 1942 | Narvik |
| 4 days | |
10. |
U-209 |
6 Nov 1942 | Narvik |
10 Dec 1942 | Narvik |
Patrol 6, | 35 days | |
11. |
U-209 |
13 Dec 1942 | Narvik |
16 Dec 1942 | Bergen |
| 4 days | |
12. |
U-209 |
19 Dec 1942 | Bergen |
24 Dec 1942 | Kiel |
| 6 days | |
13. |
U-209 |
6 Apr 1943 | Kiel |
7 May 1943 | Sunk |
Patrol 7, | 32 days | |
7 patrols, 157 days at sea | |
Ships hit by Heinrich Brodda
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