| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Ackerley, Joseph De Bank, RN | 25 | Leading Signalman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Booth, Christopher, RN | 19 | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Boyce, Charles Ernest, RN | 41 | Leading Telegraphist | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Breslin, Hugh Francis, RN | 20 | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Britnor, Frederick William, RN | 26 | Petty Officer | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Brown, John, RN | | Coder | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Clifford, Bernard Louis, RN | 18 | Signalman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Clinton, Edward Charles Patrick, RN | 47 | Chief Mechanician | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Cole, George, RN | 23 | Able Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Colmer, Stanley William, RN | 22 | Ordinary Telegraphist | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Dalby, Edward Samuel, RN | 27 | Able Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Damon, Samuel James, RN | 28 | Leading Stoker | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Dean, Hugh Magee, RN | | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Downs, Mark, RN | 40 | Able Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Duckett, Kenneth, RN | 26 | Able Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Fazackerley, Eric, RN | 23 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Gaston, Frederick Neville, RN | 28 | Leading Supply Assistant | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Gifford, Stanley Houghton, RANVR | 25 | Lieutenant | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Gifford-Hull, John Gordon, RNVR | | Lieutenant | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Girkin, Walter Harry, RN | 22 | Able Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Gore, George Arthur William, RN | | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Greenwood, Samuel Alton, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Gunn, Stanley Charles Lewis, RN | 22 | Able Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Haddrell, David Roydon, RN | 22 | Leading Signalman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Harris, Thomas, RN | | Leading Stoker | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Hill, Stanley Thomas, RN | 21 | Signalman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Holmes, Stanley, RN | 21 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Horsfall, Tom, RN | 26 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Jennison, Norman, RN | 44 | Able Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Keir, Robert Stanley, RNVR | 24 | Telegraphist | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Kinniburgh, Robert, RN | 22 | Able Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Kinnier, Thomas John, RN | 42 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Lake, William James, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Larner, Thomas Charles, RN | 36 | Leading Cook (O) | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Lawes, William Jesse, RN | 40 | Petty Officer | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Ling, Harry Robert Arthur, RN | 35 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Mackie, James, RN | | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Mackrell, Harry William Frederick, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Malley, Sydney Reginald, RN | 40 | Steward | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | McNeill, Daniel, RN | 23 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Miller, Ian Cameron, RNVR | 25 | Lieutenant | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Orley, Edward Claude, RN | 22 | Able Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Orrah, William, RN | 24 | Leading Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Postill, Alfred William, RN | 20 | Telegraphist | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Read, Ronald, RN | 24 | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Redmond, Lorrimer Charles, RN | 27 | Ordinary Coder | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Richards, Richard Aubrey, RN | 20 | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Ross, Robert Blair, RNVR | | Sub-Lieutenant | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Sanders, Harry Marcus Crews, RNR | 40 | Lieutenant Commander | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Scales, Leslie Charles, RN | 33 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Shea, Charles Frederick, RN | 26 | Petty Officer | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Simpson, Patrick Francis, RN | 23 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Smith, Sidney, RN | 42 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Thorne, John James, RN | 23 | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Topp, Thomas Henry, RN | 25 | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Townsend, Arthur Frank Herbert, RN | 38 | Leading Steward | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Vanns, Horace Edmund, RN | 23 | Able Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Wevers, Ernest Edward, RN | 23 | Able Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | White, Frederick James, RN | 23 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Willers, Robert William Charles, RN | 22 | Able Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Wood, Cyril, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Woolley, Lawrence Frederick, RN | | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Wootton, Jack Claude, RN | | Engine Room Artificer 5th Class | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
 | | Wright, Raymond Ralph, RN | | Leading Cook (S) | HMS Gladiolus (K 34) + |
64 persons found.
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