| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Adams, John Stephen, RNVR | 30 | Lieutenant | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Astley, William Henry, RNPS | 21 | Seaman | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Brodie, Neil, RNPS | 31 | Leading Seaman | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Camden, Hugh Yates, RNPS | 27 | Seaman | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Clarke, Harold David, RNPS | 19 | Stoker | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Cook, Horace William Frederick, RNPS | 31 | Seaman | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Cooper, James Aisne McKenzie, RN | 25 | Telegraphist | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Davidson, Ivan, RNPS | 27 | Seaman | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Donnelly, John, RNPS | 23 | Stoker | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Eastwood, Herbert, RN | 25 | Ordinary Telegraphist | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Fenton, Kenneth, RNPS | | Seaman | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Gill, Albert Walter, RNVR | | Signalman | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Graham, Joseph Alexander, RNPS | 31 | Cook | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Gregg, John Thomas, RNPS | 27 | Stoker | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Harris, Albert John, RNVR | 30 | Lieutenant | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Hatfield, George Henry, RN | 22 | Ordinary Telegraphist | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Heenan, Walter, RNPS | | Engineman | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Hopkins, Edward Harold, RNPS | 20 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Humphrey, Albert Edward, RNPS | 39 | Seaman | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Hutton, Ernest Francis, RNPS | 22 | Seaman | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Mason, Harry, RNPS | 27 | Seaman | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Mason, John Kempton, RNVR | 25 | Lieutenant | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Mathie, Robert George, RN | 21 | Signalman | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Morgan, Walter Wally, RN | | Leading Stoker | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Morton, Alexander, RNPS | 24 | Stoker | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Mowatt, Albert William, RFR | 40 | Able Seaman | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Muter, John Henry, RNPS | 32 | Seaman | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Nicholas, George Richard, RN | 22 | Coder | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Sadgrove, Walter Langdon, RANVR | 34 | Lieutenant | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Shaw, William Edward, RNPS | 34 | Chief Engineman | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Taylor, Ernest Charles, RNPS | 19 | Seaman | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Williams, Douglas, RNPS | 18 | Stoker | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
 | | Wyers, Robert, RNPS | 32 | Steward | HMS Stella Capella (FY 107) + |
33 persons found.
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