Ships hit by U-boats

Ship classes

C-2 class merchant ships

The C-2 class ship Santa Rita. She was hit by U-172 on 9 Jul 1942.

Below are the merchant vessels of the C-2 class:
You can click on any of the header below to sort by that header.

Loss dateName of shipTonsNat.U-boatCommander
9 Jul 1942 Santa Rita8,379 U-172Carl Emmermann
9 Jan 1943 Louise Lykes6,155 U-384Hans-Achim von Rosenberg-Gruszczynski
24 Apr 1943 Santa Catalina6,507 U-129Hans-Ludwig Witt
20 Jun 1943 Santa Maria (d.)6,507 U-214Rupprecht Stock
12 Jul 1943African Star6,507 U-172Carl Emmermann
17 Mar 1944 Maiden Creek (t.)6,165 U-371Waldemar Mehl
16 Jul 1942 Fairport6,165 U-161Albrecht Achilles

(t.) means the ship was declared a total loss.
(d.) means the ship was damaged in the action.

7 instances of C-2 class ships hit by U-boats.

If you miss a certain ship from this listing please let us know, we probably just mislabeled her class.

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