The Sitemap

Most of the selections below lead to another set of relative pages.

The Boats
 Index of all U-boats
 Losses 1939-1945
 The Flotillas / Bases
 Dive into History
 Most successful U-boats

The Men
 BdU - High Command
 Top Aces
 Knights Cross winners
 The Interviews

Fighting the U-boats
 Ships & Navies
 Aircraft and Air forces
 Weapons & Technologies
 Major allied losses

The Books
 Other languages
 Locating the books

 Enigma code machine
 Deck guns
 Anti-aircraft guns
 The Schnorchel
 The Elektro boats
 Radars and detectors

 WWI U-boats
 Post-war U-boats
 Operation Drumbeat
 U-47 and Scapa Flow
 Operation Deadlight
 ... and much more!

 The Crew
 Contacting us
 Editor in charge
 Upcoming items
 Writers wanted

See over 20 seperate galleries here!